Deeper Layers of Yoga Course

Learning about the Yamas & Niyamas
with Corrin Adams

10 Workshop Series ~ 30hr Yoga Teacher Training

Sundays, September-June (Full List Below)

For All Levels - Students & Teachers

The Yamas and the Niyamas are written in the 2nd chapter of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They are guiding principles that supports Yoga as a way of life.

If you have been wondering how to infuse your life with the essence of Yoga ~ Union then come join the conversation as we dive into the meaning and application of these first two limbs of Yoga.

A journey through the essential ethical and moral principles outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Each session will explore a different aspect of these principles, such as non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), non-stealing (asteya), moderation (brahmacharya), non-greed (aparigraha), purity (saucha), contentment (santosha), discipline (tapas), self-study (svadhyaya), and surrender to a higher power (Ishvara-pranidhana).

Through a combination of discussions, guided meditations, pranayama, and asana practice, participants will deepen their understanding of these foundational teachings and learn how to integrate them into their daily lives on and off the mat.

$108+hst per Workshop
$888+hst for the Full Workshop Series

Contact the Front Desk if you would like to pay 10 Monthly Instalments of $92+hst

List of Sundays, Sept-June

February 9
March 9
April 13
May 11
June 8

September 15
October 20
November 10
December 8
January 12

Corrin Adams is an experienced yogi with over 30 years of practice and 25 years of teaching behind her. She is also a Registered Massage Therapist with a deep-rooted connection to the body and health through an Ayurvedic and yogic lens. Corrin has offered yoga teacher training programs and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her classes.

Corrin's journey into the world of yoga and movement began at a young age through ballet training and the study of Hatha yoga. Later as a professional dancer she honed her understanding of the body's capabilities and potential. Corrin's approach is unique in that it blends the ancient practices of Ayurveda and yoga with modern therapeutic techniques that guide students on a transformative journey towards physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being.

Your Instuctor Corrin Adams

In addition to her hands-on work, Corrin is a dedicated teacher who is passionate about sharing her wisdom with others. Her desire to share the philosophical aspects of yoga stems from a lifelong dedication to these principles and a belief that the system of yoga is incomplete without an understanding of its depth.

Her embodied understanding of the body, combined with her compassionate nature, makes her a trusted and valued practitioner in the world of health and wellness.